"It was wonderful to be able to access quality hospital care so close to my home."
Sixty-year-old Yarunnesa is a single mother who lives in Keraniganj with her daughter. Her life took a turn for the worse when her husband died a few years ago, leaving her to raise three sons and one daughter. Since Yarunnesa, completely dependent on her daughter’s meager income, was afraid she would not be able to afford medical treatment. So, despite a painful mouth ulcer, which made it increasingly difficult for her to eat, Yarunnesa chose to suffer in silence. The family struggled to find a decent, affordable medical center in Keraniganj.
Eventually, it was a distant relative who pointed her in the direction of SAJIDA Hospital, which was literally in her backyard. By the time she finally arrived at the doorsteps of the hospital, Yarunnesa was at the end of her tether in excruciating pain. Thanks to SAJIDA’s dedicated team of medical staff, nurses, and care assistants, Yarunnesa started to recover soon.
After having benefited firsthand from SAJIDA’s high quality, affordable services, Yarunnesa and her family have never looked back. “It was wonderful to be able to access quality hospital care so close to my home.” The empathetic nurses, medical officers, and resident doctors were all hands-on deck with their timely visits and scheduled rounds, inspiring confidence at every turn.
“They were patient and put me at ease immediately. I was able to openly explain my issues, which, in turn, led to an accurate diagnosis”- Yarunnesa said. After all, effective doctor-patient communication is the heart and art of providing high-quality health care, and that is at the core of SAJIDA’s modern, multidisciplinary secondary care hospital, which aims to make quality medical care accessible and affordable to people of all socioeconomic strata.