Urban Poverty Alleviation
"Life is no longer an aimless journey. Now I can plan for a future, live an honourable life and I am happy about that, I got a second chance at life"
Khorsheda, a 22-year-old woman from Narayanganj District, had the same fate like any other young girl from rural Bangladesh. Born to an impoverished family, married at an early age, and a victim of domestic violence, she finally left her husband. In 2014, when she and her mother failed to earn a bare minimum for survival at their village, they came to Dhaka and started to live on the pavements of Kamlapur Rail Station. They worked in a small hotel where payment was poor and often, she was not paid.
Misbehaviour and exploitation were an everyday scenario. One day, Khorsheda met project officers of SAJIDA Foundation Manik Nagar PDC. They explained to her how the Amrao Manush project helps people living on the pavements. Interested, she registered and took the services. One of the activities under the project included placing eligible and interested individuals in formal jobs. The Amrao Manush project staff found a job for Khorsheda in a garment factory in Dhaka as a helper in 2018. After six months of hard work, her employers promoted her to an operator position earning BDT 8,000. Her life changed tremendously, she rents a room in Mugda slum and saves money every month.