Syed Humayun Kabir in 1971

Once upon a time, in the pages of history, a remarkable tale of triumph unfolded. It was a period when Bangladesh fought for its independence and dared to dream of progress and prosperity.

In March of 1971, when Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman called for the non-cooperation movement, a pressing question emerged—how would the people acquire medicine amidst the turmoil? Syed Humayun Kabir, alongside Shamsul Chowdhury and M. A. Chowdhury, approached the nation's revered leader, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Corporate titles were set aside, as their sole focus lay in finding a solution.

Amidst adversity, they sought the guidance of the visionary, Bangabandhu. Medicine shipments faced obstructions, impeding their delivery to those in need. Recognising the gravity of the situation, Bangabandhu's profound empathy spurred him into action. He personally wrote and signed a note, bestowing upon them the power to overcome the obstacles blocking their path.

The note was placed in front of their supply vans, acting as a shield from interference, enabling them to disseminate medicine to every corner of the nation; bringing solace to its people.

This tale serves as a poignant reminder that even in trying times, courageous individuals can make a profound difference. Syed Humayun Kabir, Shamsul Chowdhury, and M. A. Chowdhury forged an enduring legacy of unwavering determination and unity, enabling them to conquer any obstacle in their journey. Their story stands as a testament to Bangladesh's indomitable spirit and the transformative power of collective action for a shared purpose.

Today, SAJIDA honors their legacy and carries forward their mission, diligently striving to empower lives with health, happiness, and dignity for all.

SHK in 1970s

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